วันพุธที่ 3 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2553

Canon PowerShot S95 10 MP Digital Camera Review #2

Canon PowerShot S95 10 MP Digital Camera with 3.8x Wide Angle Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 3.0-Inch inch LCDI've always wanted SLR quality in a compact Digital Camera, and this baby comes very close. For daytime, good light photography, it's probably as good as many SLR's out there, and in low light, it's far and away better than any compact I've ever used. The range of manual controls is impressive, yet the camera remains relatively easy to learn. I especially like the programmable "S" button on the back, which can be programmed to 20 different functions. I personally keep mine on AE lock (exposure lock). With many other cameras, you have to move it around the scene until you find the right exposure, then half-press the shutter (which also locks focus), then recompose while keeping the button half-pressed, and shoot. Kind of a hassle, and of course the focus is locked on whatever you locked exposure on. With the Canon PowerShot S95 10 MP Digital Camera, I simply find the exposure level I want, then press the "S" button, which locks the exposure. Then I can freely move the camera and refocus on what I intend to photograph without having to hold down the shutter button, or lock in the focus. And there are many other uses for the "S" button if you choose! The front control ring is also programmable, being able to select from many options, including a custom option to create your own specific use. The camera is highly customizable, but without being overwhelming. It's fantastic!

As far as performance goes, I have never gotten such quality images before. The daytime photographs are incredibly clean and sharp, and the in-camera adjustments and IQ are great. The light metering is generally good, as is the white balance. And if you aren't satisfied with the white balance, there is a custom white balance mode, which renders indoor evening shots under lights perfectly, once the custom white balance is applied. Apertures run from a fast f2.0 to f8.0, which can be used creatively in creating decent DOF photographs. You aren't going to get SLR DOF performance with the Canon PowerShot S95 10 MP Digital Camera, but you can create very interesting images at f2.0. Shutter speed runs from 1/1600 to 15 seconds, perfect from getting fast action sports to perfect night time exposures. And speaking of night time exposures, this camera produces outstanding images in very low light. Using manual mode, you can create essentially grain-free long exposures, using a low ISO and slow shutter speed. I have NEVER seen such clean night images in any compact digital camera before (assuming you can find one with manual controls!). Even indoors, the camera produces very nice images, even with ISO's up to 1600. I've noticed graininess starting around ISO 400, but that's at 100% view and nitpicking the shot. Most family photos and indoor people shots are not highly scrutinized, so even ISO 800 and 1600 shots are usable. WAY better than any other small camera's ability indoors at night, that's for sure!

There is also a completely customizable mode, interestingly enough called "C". You can program this to be set up any way you like it...so if you do a lot of specific shooting (night time, indoor family photos, lets say), you could set it up to have the shutter speed, aperture, ISO, etc, the way you like it. That way, you don't have to enter manual mode or semi-manual and fiddle with the settings each time. You have one full-time dedicated mode for shooting the way you like!

And for those who just like to point and shoot, the auto mode is acceptable. I personally use "P" mode most of the time, which is pretty much auto, with some control over settings. But if you just want to turn on the camera and shoot, auto will still render high quality images, though sometimes I have noticed with auto mode the autofocus can give me trouble. Using P-mode will still make it easy, but with some more reliable focusing. Besides, hopefully you are buying this camera with SOME intention on learning how to manually create better shots...but again, even if you just want to use the auto mode, you will get photos much nicer than any other pocket camera, a reason to buy this in and of itself.

There are so many more outstanding features to list...I could go on forever. Autofocus tracking, 1.9 shot-per-second continuous mode (with AF servo!), low light mode (with ISO's up to 12,800(!!)), scene mode with countless scene choices (including HDR which does remarkably well), and of course HD video mode. Let me mention one thing about the HD video however. It's not that great, in my opinion. I also have the Canon SD940IS, and it takes beautiful HD video. This camera does not. There is a lot of "judder" when filming moving objects, or when panning the camera. It's not smooth at all when moving. The 940 is very smooth, even when walking and filming. The s95 struggles to maintain a clear video, unless filming stationary objects. Not good if you intend on making videos of your children running or playing! I think it has something to do with the type of sensors in each camera. I don't know anything about this technical stuff, but it appears this camera's sensor is more geared for still photographs and not HD video. However, there are two mics on the front of the camera, for STEREO sound!

If you are buying this solely for the HD video, you may want to look elsewhere (you can get HD video in products much cheaper than this now). Still, the video is probably passable to most, and should not be a hinderance from buying this great little package!

