It 'difficult, a digital camera that comes in a full manual mode, without a great effort to find. This is probably because a 35mm Camera Film
Some of the prices in the medium 35mm still topped the list. The Minolta 35mm is one of those that have stood the test of time. A body is used pennies on the dollar compared to sample some of the new models and just as good.
Another good reason, stick with a 35 mm film camera, you have the opportunity to develop and print their photos. The development process offers many opportunities for creativity, to take away power on the computer and printing. A less than perfect image of an object can be optimized for exactly what you want without the price of an expensive image-editing program.
A point and shoot 35mm camera offers the same services. You can make a film, you take the pictures and the process himself. This art is that the vocational schools of photography and taught college classes. Hobbyists continue to use these cameras to work, because it is able to change angles and get a different display with the touch of a button like that. You can change your settings, including point and shoot can get a clear shot to play football, or a close-up of a bird of paradise flower.
Doing a web search for a 35 mm film camera, causing many retailers, you can set with a large SLR with lens for under $ 150. It 's the type of camera that allows you to teach a child or grandchild, so they really know how to take a picture and not just aim and shoot and think they get something.