I read the instruction manual a few times, then connected the USB cable (included) in the group and then in my computer. Before lighting, I put four slides in the tray (there are separate containers for negatives and slides), taking care of blowing dust. I used the cleaning tool provided some 'on a light table, which involves the insertion of the instrument by opening with the soft side down (if it is upside down, Capture Tool on the cover). I then turned on, then the simple instructions, selecting "slips", inserted the tray into a slot in the side until the first slide appears on the LCD, pressing "OK / scan copy, then press again to register. I then pushed the tray to the next slide was in place and repeated the procedure. It took a few seconds per image to scan and save.
Before scanning an image, can be rotated 90 degrees left or right and save.
Then I put four 35 mm negatives in his tank, 35mm selected menu (which will be scanning negatives B & W, but I have not tried it yet), used the cleanup tool again, insert the plate and repeated the process described for the slides. Again, about five seconds per image. So it's fast, what about image quality?
So I bought a SD memory card
I sent the photos you want to keep a folder on my hard disk, and played a bit 'with imaging software (ArcSoft PhotoImpression). I was able to patch for dark images, which should be a breeze with most imaging software. I then deleted the images of Wolverine, and repeated the process. I'll probably put the SD card that I bought when I started processing some of the sessions, but for relatively small lots, it does quite well.
Although I have not spent much time with Wolverine, as he did as I had hoped. Keep all the importance of trying to keep out the dust as far as possible, this device is easy to install and start, solid feel of the building, requires no software, it can be powered with a USB adapter (included) or directly from the computer, and a really good job. I do not know how to make long-term, but so far I'm happy.